Not a single person thought I would go anywhere even close to Asia. But I am so blessed to have been called to serve as a missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints to the Philippines San Pablo Mission. And this is my story.
When planning it all out in my mind, I knew that my mission application could be submitted exactly 120 days before my availability date... So I knew that my papers could be submitted on December 24, 2012. I made my availability date April 24th. And call me crazy, but that is the last day of finals for the 2013 Winter Semester. I did that on purpose technically because I knew I had to be back by January 2015 in order to attend the Winter Semester to be able to apply for my major, Special Education. If I was not sent out before July, I would not have made it back for that semester. I had A LOT weighing on my mind because I wanted to be able to serve a mission without it completely turning my academic life upside down. But anyways, my papers were not actually received by the Church until December 27th which crushed me because if they would have been submitted the 24th, I would have gotten my call while still at home for Christmas break. Sad day. It never came. So, since it was sent to my home, it took an extra two days to go to AZ from UT, but that Friday, January 11th, my call arrived to my home. I could not wait. I had to open it. My parents faxed it to me that afternoon and then some of my friends gathered in my dorm lobby and I had my family in AZ on one computer, my sisters in DC on another computer, and my best friends from home on another computer. It was great.
What was going on in my mind: this one paper will change my life. I need to open it. Now. Where will I be living? I have never left North America. I could be living one state away, or I could be halfway across the world... Oh my goodness. What language will I speak? I never liked my spanish classes in High School. I hope I have heard of the language... I haven't even opened my call and I already know it is right. It is the place I am supposed to go. I love my mission already. I am so pumped. Let me open my call already!!!!
I legitimately thought I was going to Scotland. I thought I would serve where my dad did. I had such a good feeling about it. But then again I also had previously said, Norway, France, New York, and California. No where even close. Everyone is told me their predictions and all the guesses were in America, South America, or Europe. Nathan, my brother in law was the only one who guessed in Asia and he said South Korea.
5 pm rolls around. I had thought it out. I wanted to say a little something about why I was serving a mission and how I knew the church was true, but no. I got a little too emotional. All I could say was "I am so excited... The church is true!" That is it. Way to go Morgan. Anyways, I open my little white envelope because it was faxed, and skipped right to it before I read it aloud. I squealed and was crying even harder. I started reading it. You are hereby called to serve as a Missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. You are assigned to labor in the Philippines San Pablo Mission. It is anticipated that you will serve for a period of 18 months. You should report to the Provo Missionary Training Center on May 22, 2013. You will prepare to preach the gospel in the Tagalog language.
I was STUNNED. The Philippines never even crossed my mind! I was not even sure what it's exact location was. But I knew it was right. It is the perfect mission for me. I know this is where I am supposed to be. I know I am supposed to be in the hot and rainy weather that I love. I know I am supposed to have the beautiful views of the beach and ocean. But really though, it will be such a humbling experience to live in lowly living conditions, experience crazy weather, and be engulfed in a completely different culture. I know I will have some culture shock. But I am so excited!!! I am so grateful for this opportunity because at this point in my life I am really molding into the woman I want o be and I know that serving in San Pablo will teach me so much and allow me to grow. I love the Philippines already and have so far heard such good things of how wonderful it is and how much I am going to love it. I am so ready to be confident and tell every person I see the message we have to share with them, the truthfulness of the gospel. I want to invite everyone I meet to come unto Christ, use the atonement in their lives, and receive the blessings of having the knowledge of the gospel.
Well, it is still sinking in. I am in awe. Only 125 days to go! I am so ready, so pumped, and so tremendously blessed. I am grateful that I have the means to be able to leave for 18 months and to serve the Lord. Such an amazing experience. I just cannot wait to have that name tag on my shirt.
Hanggang sa susunod na beses (Until Next time),
Sister Waldrom
Me and my mission call in the cold snow...
My best friends. So glad they could be my physical "family" that night
Loving my favorite roomie. Tommie is one of my favorite people.
Aw cute candid with my girls
The reason why I am serving a mission