I had direct inspiration from the Holy Ghost that I, Morgan Waldrom, was to serve a mission. I remember when I received my patriarchal blessing when I was 15, as my family and I left the patriarch's home, my sister Lauren said, "Morgan, you're going to serve a mission!" I wasn't too assured about that. I knew my particarchal blessing always said I would teach and share my testimony with others, but I finally understood the true meaning of it... I was to serve a full time mission. Also, since the age has always been 21 for women, I was never sure if I was going to serve. I knew I always wanted to, however. In my opinion, serving a mission is the best thing you can do to serve the Lord and his people on this Earth. Before I was in college, I knew I wanted to attend BYU and find my husband there. I thought it was typical to get married at the age of 21 or even before then, so I never really knew if I was going to be able to serve my own mission. But as I grew older, I found myself seeing the blessings of a mission and how my desire to serve grew stronger and stronger. When I became eligible, I knew without a doubt that this happened at this time in the church's history to increase the number of missionaries and to bring the Gospel to every corner of the world. I knew I needed to be apart of that army of God and bring the joy and happiness the Gospel brings me to others.
I cannot even explain the excitement I have to just get out on my mission and serve others for a complete 18 months. These next two months until I receive my call are sure going to test my patience. I am itching to just find out who I get to serve and what country they reside in. I do not care in the least bit where I go, just as long as I can go. I will teach people in the farms of Kansas, the mountains of Chile, the sights of Paris, or even the icecaps of Antarctica (even though there's not really a mission there... I would go if I were called there!) But I am just venting about the excitement to know where I can serve so I can fully begin my preparation of serving, especially in my mind because knowing where I will go will just ease all of my nerves and stress.
This is a confession: I cannot focus on ANYTHING anymore. My mission is on my mind. All. The. Time. And it kills me. I don't want to do my homework. I don't want to go to class. I don't want to go to work. I just want to prepare for my mission 24/7. I have never wanted to read a book more in my life! Yet I have all these church books sitting on my desk sitting there, ready to be read. But I am just too doggone swamped with everything else, that once I find the time to do it, I find myself much too tired to even keep my eyes open to read a page. It is terrible. Maybe it is Satan withholding me from my personal mission preparation, but may I say, it is dangerous. But hopefully, I can finish this semester up and get on top of that. I cannot wait to read all this church literature to prepare myself to teach others the gospel and all it's little details.