can't anything ever go according to plan? Sheesh, just when I thought I
could have a solid working week! Here goes: an explanation....
Zone P-day, went bowling! Fun times with a fun zone. Then that night we
went out to work and it appeared that no one wanted to be taught because no one
was home. Then we come home to a phone call that Sister Brown, our housemate,
was bit by a SNAKE... TWICE. Awwwww shoot! We were all worried
because Sister Brown only has one real leg. From her knee down on her
right leg, she has a prosthetic leg from an issue when she was born. So
we were joking to her, "Oh no they can’t take the other leg now too!
Why couldn’t it have been the other one?!" The snake just came
slithering out of the grass when they were outside of an investigators
house. Moral of the story, don’t ever stand in grass in PP.
We inherited a third companion as Sister Brown was in Manila under observation
for 24 hours. Then that sure jumbled our plans.
Had my final district meeting. Sad day. They wanted words from a
"dying parent" so they had me bare my testimony at the end.
Then Weds night we taught our awesome referral, Sister Yolie. Oh man. We
were reviewing the Restoration with her and she was loving it and kept saying
how she liked what she was hearing and wanted to fill in the missing puzzle
piece. So then the spirit told us, watch the restoration video.
Man, that is always the icing on the cake! The spirit was so
strong. She cried and loved it! I cried and loved it! Her answer is
coming along smoothly.
and Friday. Surprise! You have to go to Manila again! I guess we
didnt really YOMO (You only Manila Once) But twice! Fun times again with
my batch, but it was pretty lame cause we barely did anything at the
immigration center. We however did get to eat at WENDYS. Mmmm. And
we got to chill with some missionaries from the Tacloban mission. We
talked to the sister and she shared with us her experience from the storm. Wow,
sounded like such a rough experience. She said she was in denial and couldn’t
accept it. Grateful that I was where I was.
Ohhhhh hello BATANGAS! I got to do my last Sunday visit to my second
area. I chose to go there over Cabuyao because I had more recent converts
in Batangas. Oh happy day! We just went out Saturday afternoon and
attempted to try and visit people and hope they were home. We went to the
Sasuya's first. When we walked into the gate to their home, no one was
home, but then when we walked out, Sister Lyn was walking up. Happy day!
She squealed and started jumping! It was so happy. Then we stopped
by Vina's and then we went to a baptism in their ward. The Ward Mission
Leader invited me to bare my testimony. Nice experience. Then Bishop's
wife was like, "Sister Waldrom, do you have any plans right now?" And
I was like, no... And then she was like, "Now you do. Get in the
car." They invited us and the four missionaries in their ward to dinner at
the "Treehouse" and it was delish!!!! Holla!!!! Such kind
Church in Batangas! They all thankfully remembered me ;) But I got
to bare my testimony to the ward and attend the classes. It was weird,
even the moment we drove into the boundary of that area, I felt like I was at
home. I sure love everything about that area! I also got to see
Doodz who I taught but was baptized after I left. So happy to see how
happy she is! After church I got to see my ward mission leader from my
first area. His girlfriend who is in the other batangas just got home from her mission. After 8
hours of being released as a missionary, he proposed to her. Do you wanna know
how many people told me to get engaged 24 hours of being home? Yeah I didn’t
even keep count. But the weird thing is, that the sister entered the MTC
a week AFTER me, and she is already home and engaged. Weirdweirdweird.
church, bishop’s wife fed us again. Then we went and visited some less
actives. It is hard to see that they are still struggling. I was crushed
to hear that one sister's husband passed away last week. We went to her
first but she wasn’t home. Sad day. Then I visited another LA Sister who
had her baby, glad to hear she has been coming to church pretty often and the
baby was blessed in the church. Yay! And then we went to Michael
Paltad, our first baptism in Batangas. He was so surprised to see
me! He didn’t go to church because he was at the cemetery because
yesterday was the 1 year mark of his father's death. I remember I came
only a couple weeks after that. It appears he still has a lot of trials,
seeing that his doesn’t have a father, doesn’t know where his mother is, cares
for his special needs sisters, works at a billiards room, and is only 16. He
inspires me and is staying pretty active. We shared a short message and
committed him to partake of the sacrament every Sunday. Sad to hear not
too many people have been visiting him and we got a little teary eyes saying
bye. He is so awesome.
Vina and Yan Yan. They are doing awesome. She is the Primary chorister
and are very happy! They fed us dinner and are doing really well.
We ended the night at the Sasuya's. Brother Jayson is first councilor of the
Elders Quorum and Sister is a family history consultant. Jazlyn is in young
women now and Lanz is 6 and still naughty! haha But we got to share 3
Nephi 31:18-20 about enduring to the end. They are so strong and have a plan to
go to the temple in February to be sealed!!!!!!!!!!! After the message, I
got to talk to their friend Sister Rodelas on the phone who is the one who
introduced them to the church. Right before I was about to leave, I felt
good that I had kept the whole weekend composed with no big tears. Then
sister lost it, brother was teary eyed, and I just couldn’t handle
myself!! Had a short cry fest and then we had to get out to get a jeepney
on time.
just hit me at that point. I have nine days left of doing the best thing
that has ever happened to me. I just feel weird and sad and happy that is all
happened. But I cannot believe how fast it has all gone bye. I will say
though that I am SO excited to see you all!! But I do know also that when the
depressing day comes of taking off this name tag, I am not finished. I
will always be engaged in this work and I will stand faithful next to the Lord
when he will say, "The Work is Done." I pray that we may all thrust
in our sickle with all our might and hasten the work of salvation! Hurrah
Hurrah Hurrah for Israel!
and Covenants 76:22
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