So fam. GET THIS.
There is a world wide broadcast on June 23rd, with only the PROPHET, FIRST PRESIDENCY, AND THE TWELVE APOSTLES. This will take place in the marriot center ar byu, and guess who will be singing in the choir for these fine men, ME! I GET TO SING IN THE CHOIR!!! Hello, I absolutely despise singing, buuuuut, this is an opportunity that cannot be passed up! I am so stinkin excited! I actually did choir this past week to see Dayna, and it was actually kinda fun... but I didn't really just say that.
So Cady... WHEN IS MY NEPHEW GOING TO ENTER THIS WORLD!?! I am so stinkin excited for you and your family! Dear elder me ASAP when he comes!
Lauren- I am bugged I couldn't see you when you were a mile from me. But THANK YOU for the package. It sure was a lovely surprise with Tristan's beautiful art. <3
Em- Ok, what was up with your blank letter? I talked to Mark and we were both VERY confused.... I may have cried from laughing at how bizarre it was.
Ali- How is Uganda?! I want to hear everything! Dear Elder me your adventures when you get the chance!
Mom- I am proud that you survived Girls Camp. And I appreciate you representing me with my awesome cat shirt.
Dad- Thanks for the NBA update. I wear my suns shirt a lot to gym and what not and about 3 people say something to me every time I wear it. Suns for life! Even though we stink, the suns always win my heart.
Today we were talking about our families, and I got to thinking, I seriously do not know why I was so blessed. I began thinking of each of my sisters. You are all so amazing! You each bring so much to our family. With living four years at home without you living there sometimes made you all seem so distant. But you reall are not! How lucky I am so know and be related to older women than I who have such awesome personalities, live amazing lives, and care so much about their dinky 19 year old sister. You are all so great. Thanks for being here for me! But not to mention my awesome parents! You two are more than I could ask for. I have learned so much and you both have truly molded me into who I am today. Love you all! (and I know that is a blessing from God that I am still not homesick... in the least bit... sorry)
You have all asked about my days, so here goes one on average:
6:30 Wake up
7:00 be in classroom
7:30 Breakfast with Zone
8:00 class
11:00 personal study (fav. time)
12:10 lunch
1:00 Language study
2:30 Computer language program
3:30 GYM TIME BABY! (I love gym time, I run 2 miles everyday and do ab and leg workouts. I sweat my brains out and love not being cooped up in class hahaha)
5:10 Dinner
6:00 Class
9:00 plan
10:30 sleeeeeeeep
The days are long but the weeks are fast. I love them. By the end of the week, my brain is fried, but it is nice having P-day on Saturday cause it is kind of like a weekend. This week we had a special adventure. I went with my companion, Sister Mafi, to the dentist (I dont remember if I told you this is her first time away from Tonga)! It sure was an exciting time. We got to get in a car, drive a mile away, and be gone for an hour! Yay! It was sooooo weird driving by BYU since this is around the time that I was coming up for the first time for summer term last year... who would have ever thought I would be in the MTC now... But it sure was fun going with her to the dentist! She has to get two root canals this week... poor thing! The dentist in Tinga put the wrong fillings in her teeth! I feel so bad for her! I have grown real close with Sister Mafi. She is so funny! She can be very quiet, especially compared to some Tongans. But fun story, all her Polynesian friends come in our room at night. 5 of them at one time were eating cup of noodles... it was the best/strangest thing of my life, I had to snap a pic. They literally make me laugh so hard!!! Every night one sister comes into our room with some thing new from the free box (there are "free boxes" in every hallway where missionaries put stuff they dont want in there for others to take). One night she came in with the tie from a bath robe and wore it as head band, the next night she came in with this weird hippo thing, then she came in with american flags on her head, and then she came in with a doo rag... what?! I love all my new Tongan, Samoan, Fijiian, etc. friends! They are sucha grand time and make my experience here that much better.
On Wednesday there was a record number of incoming missionaries: 967!!! Dang. The work is truly progressing!!!
This week I have learned so much. I appreciate all the love, support, letters, and packages from you all! It sure brightens my day! But I find myself always making new goals for myself. Not only with the language (where goals are daily), but for me as a person. My goal right now is to not have a relationship with God when I need Him, but to always have one at all times. I have committed to walk with Christ. Always having Him with me. Not only when I am struggling or need help. He always wants to be by my side, and now I am making sure He is always there. I encourage the same goal to the rest of you. Do you walk with Christ? Do you use his guidance only when you need it? We will be judged for our desires, whether they be righteous or not. Desire to live like Christ and desire to live with Christ. He has always been there for you and for me, now let's be there for Him.
I have learned so much Tagalog this week it is nuts. I love this language. Sometimes I think, Can I really do this? This is so hard. What am I doing?! But then I think about it, and truly, this is the perfect mission for me. I know this language will take time, but I know with prayer, dilligence, and hard work, I can master it. Sometimes the Pilippinas seem so different and scary, but I know that God has prepared the people to be taught. And He has prepared me to teach them. But overall, this mission is not about me. I am performing the work of the Lord for Him. I have come to know that this is not some study abroad, this is about people and their lives! I want to be the messenger who tells the everyone that Christ's church has been restored! He has a plan! There is a purpose to this life! God loves you and wants you to be happy! I am no where near being the perfect missionary, but I am sure trying my best.
Anyways, I love YOU ALL! I miss seeing your faces and hearing your laughs, but I will be back before you know it! Keep staying awesome. Oh and rememeber, God loves you! lol
Mahal ko kayo,
Sister Waldrom
Elder McKellar and Sister Waldrom |
Morgans study area |
Sister Mafi from Tonga
Morgans companion |