Well things are just moving along here! This week was a bit short on time, coming from Manila, having interviews with President, and then just getting punted in general from investigators. Also a bummer that a lot of our investigators committed to come to church but didn't show up. It is always a depressing feeling when that happens.
But as for some cool experiences, I
had my interview with President. His first question was what I learned
from conference. I am really glad he asked me because it made me really
dig deep and think about it all. I told him how I loved how Elder
Christofferson taught us how we need to become like Christ through our own actions.
It was kinda a light bulb moment. Like yes, God wants us to become like
him. He will help us. But he won’t do everything for us! You
gotta work, act, and choose! Then it put things in perspective for me, as
a missionary and as a child of God: am I using my agency wisely? Great
question for each of us to ask ourselves. What path are you on to
becoming like the savior? Are you choosing the things that will help you
progress or are you waiting for God to send a trial to you to wake you
up. Just keep that in mind. Let us all choose wisely.
He also gave me his final advice of
"writing the last chapter" of my mission. Everyone wants to
read this chapter, and that I need to end it with a Bang! Sadly at the
moment there isnt any different amazing miracle, but it is all about the
work. And I can say that is going well. So working on this last
chapter is my focus! Making it real good I hope.
Our investigator M gave the
closing prayer to our lesson. Started out great, then just the tears
flowed. She started praying for her family. She has 7 kids but
moved from a further area of the Philippines to San Jose. She prayed that
she could find some way to contact them and that they would be safe and
healthy. She hasn’t talked to them in years now. I was just
distraught at the thought that she hasn’t been able to communicate with her own
mother and tell her about all her children and experiences and things in
life. I thought about how hard that would be. Thinking for myself,
if I didn’t have the chance to email my parents every Monday (as lame as my
emails are), I don’t think I would be able to handle a mission! But to
think of her and all her trials and her desire to just hear if her family is
ok, just broke my heart. I can still say, every single monday on my
mission when I come to email, I have a butterflies in my stomach out of my
concern to ever receive bad news from home. I am SO BLESSED that each of
your are healthy, happy, and active in the church. I count my blessings
for each of you!!
Sister Taala and I are doing
great. Really finding our flow and work ethic together. I sure am
grateful that she is my companion at this point. I am learning a lot, and
she is mad skilled at braiding hair! (cause she is Samoan) But we are happy
and enjoying the stinky and odorous land of San Jose.
Tomorrow we look forward to a
mission wide meeting where Elder Lynn G. Robbins of the presidency of the 70
will be speaking to us! So excited to learn from on high!
I love you all. Thanks for
everything and stay awesome!
Sister Waldrom
Doctrine and Covenants 5:21-22
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