Oh my goodness. Seeing your faces was just the most glorious thing ever!!! Gosh dang I miss you all. That was just what I needed. I thankfully don't feel sad or anything, just so happy to have an amazing family like you. You are all awesome and such examples to me. I do wish I could be there with you at times- to be apart of your lives more, but I know that time will come. I know that my amazing family is a blessing from God. Thanks for everything. I love you all so much.
Life has been like SUPER busy lately. Monday we had the most wonderful Christmas zone conference. I cant explain how much I love president Peterson and how much he reminds me of my father... When I gave him a hug after, I may or may not have had a hard time letting go because it seemed like I was hugging my dad. haha But Not in a weird way. I just love the missionaries here and all my friends here. They are so awesome and uplifting.
After the zone conference, Sister Hellewell, my housemate, got sick with some major chest pains and we had to go to the hospital. We asked our neighbor and I straight up felt like I was in fast and furious. He was zoomin so fast through the dark streets of the Philippines and I was loving every single second. I was freakin out in the back seat because he was honking and had his emergency lights on and weaving the streets. soooooo awesome. Then we hung out at the hospital for what seemed like forever but I think she is ok now so that's what is important.
Saturday was such an amazing day. Michael was baptized on Saturday!!!! he bore the sweetest testimony after. He has been through so much in this life and truly emulates the light the gospel has brought him into. It was so sweet to see his friend in his quorum baptize him. Then we had an awesome ward party. It was so fun, the ward put so much effort into it. There were so many performances and it was so fun! We had investigators come too. Then we sang the last song in the program, Angels we have heard on high in Tagalog. Then the ward thought they were simply HILARIOUS and had a surprise for us after our performance. They made us close our eyes and turn around. Then when we opened our eyes there was Balut ready for us to eat. That is the Filipino specialty here. It is a fertilized duck egg that is kinda like a hard boiled egg but weirder. I dare you to google it. Then we had to all eat it in front of the whole ward. it was actually medyo masarap! (kinda delicious) but not really my fav. There was so much food at the party, I just love eating here. End of story.
Sunday was a lovely Christmas church attendance. Then after sacrament our investigator, Vina, who wasn't sure if her husband who is abroad would want her to be baptized now. She said she would talk to him after an awesome lesson about the plan of salvation. Then on Sunday, which was Vina's birthday too, she started crying when she told us this was the best birthday and Christmas present ever. Her husband said she and her daughter can be baptized! Yayayayay! So happy for them! She is so awesome and strong.
So let's end here with the Sasuya family. They are perfect. They are keeping the word of wisdom like its no big deal and coming to church like they have already been baptized. GAHHHHH SO MUCH WONDERFULNESS IN ONE FAMILY. We had family home evening with their family and basically the whole ward council. It was awesome. They loved it. Everyone was crying. We had so much fun. There is a pic from it. I just am so thankful for all our amazing investigators.
Well, this Christmas season is sure different than any one I have ever experienced. I feel so much closer to my savior than ever before and I feel so much more grateful for the true meaning of Christmas. I know that as a missionary I carry the best present for anyone to ever receive. The message of the Restored Gospel. I love this work. I love this gospel. And I am excited for next years Christmas to spend with my family again. Mahal na mahal ko kayo
Sister Waldrom
Luke 2:10-14