So can I first start with how I cannot believe how fast this transfer
went. Time is FLYING. I feel like I emailed just yesterday. And
every night I sleep it straight feels like 7 minutes. Surprisingly it
feels like enough sleep but it goes by so fast. I feel bad for Sister
Johnson because she is still new but time is just slipping from her
fingers because me and her are just having too good of a time. :) We
are so happy together.
I feel soooo thankful. In our weekly planning, we were
like "Uhhhh, we need more investigators..." Kind of a struggle
lately. We started praying for some miracles. And God has surely
provided for us. We got so many quality referrals from the members
this week! Looks like our training to the ward was a success!!! I
just can testify that when you do all you can, God will provide the
This week we also got a new mission training plan. Our focus is
increasing our number of investigators at church. We have been
struggling with that the past few weeks, but then guess how many we
had yesterday?! 6!!! We were soooooooo happy. Like we couldn't stop
smiling during church. And we are trying to help them really have an
enjoyable and spiritual experience. It was a great sabbath yesterday.
So Kenneth is being BAPTIZED this Saturday!!! Woooooo!!!! We are
happy about this.... But seriously, he is so perfect, just really
understands the gospel. He was definitely prepared before we started
teaching him. So blessed.
So our investigator Mark is super awesome. But get this, his son has
asthma and had to be in the hospital here for a few days and his bill
was 15000 pesos... this family really struggles with money. Then the
fellowshippers we always bring to our lessons with their family came
back after our lesson and brought them dinner because they didn't have
any. I was in awe of the kindness and friendship to this family. <3
We committed him to come to church on Sunday and he said he would. We
were really sad when they didn't come to sacrament meeting, but then
when it came time to Sunday school, they came!!! They said they were
late because they had to buy their two kids shoes first.... I LOVE
THEM. Mark is preparing for baptism on April 26. Please keep them in
your prayers that they can continue to progress, come to church, and
have enough money.
We also got a new referral, her name is Myra. We started asking her
about what the role of God is in her life (also during this lesson, it
was incredibly hot and she didn't have a fan or chairs so i was
slipping in my own leg sweat on her tile. Yes real life.) But she
went on to tell us those story about how she got in a bad tricycle
accident when she was 11 and she almost died. She said she was in the
hospital and she could hear her family and the doctors talking about
pulling the life support. She said she could see a bright light and
then she saw her grandpa's face and her was holding a fruit. I was
like, can this be any more scriptural? And she said she kept
thinking, this cant be it. I am not done living and her grandpa told
her she can have another chance. Then we testified this is why she
survived, to hear this message of the gospel! She is so excited to
read the book of Mormon too. So excited to teach her!
I also got attacked my a flying cockroach. Was i screaming? Yes.
Was it an awful and unfortunate experience? Yes. Was it funny? Yes.
So all is well here, seeing lots of progress and potential. I love
Batangas and I love you!!!!
Mahal kita,
Sister Waldrom
Alma 58:40

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