Gosh, seeing those pictures and hearing about the funeral is so good
and hard. I wish so badly I could have been there to be with you all and
to give my love to Grandpa, but I have definitely been feeling his
presence here in the Philippines. He has been here giving me pats on
the back and promptings that everything is going to be ok. So the
weird thing is about all this is that I went to a funeral too on March
7. In the other ward a member passed away from a sudden heart attack.
Our bishop invited us to attend the funeral, and it was just a really
bizarre situation for me. I felt like I was there for my grandpa and
that the man who died was proxy of grandpa. It was quite strange but
sweet for me to feel of the spirit and talks of families who are
experiencing the things that I am right now. I really do feel ok, but
it is true that at times like these you just want to be with your
family, but I just cant right now. I know I that this is what
the Lord would have me experience and I am thankful for every trial
that comes my way.
So last Monday we had our zone P-day which was super fun. I love
being able to go places and just have a chance to have fun and get to
know other missionaries. We went to this recreational center and
there was a cool pool (that i couldn't swim in...), bowling, and just
stuff... So good times!
So our investigator Aida is apparently going home to her province....
we had no idea she was just here on vacation visiting! Something
definitely got lost in Tagalog translation which is basically the
story of my life. But her and her daughter Doods actually came to
church yesterday! It was so awesome! And they looooooooooved it.
Doods still lives here and she is coming to the Youth activity this
Thursday and we are going to try and keep teaching her.
We are teaching our Bishop's wife's sister-in-law. In our first
lesson we taught her about the nature of God and prophets and she was
just crying in our lesson so we are excited to be teaching her. Her
husband is less active so we hope to complete that family!
Saturday night we held our "Hastening the Work of Salvation
Training". We planned it with our ward mission leader. The other
sisters led a short discussion about missionary work, then our ward
mission leader led a workshop on how the members can do missionary
work, then sister Johnson and I discussed an action plan that will
help them. Went well even though the active people who already give
us referrals were there. It was successful.
I sure love my companion. Sister Johnson and I are just loving
everyday that we have together. We are just big goofs and only some
Filipinos understand our humor. haha but it is just great.
So all is well here and life is happy. I pray for you all so stinkin
hard and I love you dearly. Stay strong and keep the faith.
Sister Waldrom
Alma 37:44

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