Sunday, June 1, 2014


Hey everyone.  Guess what.... WE FOUND THE FAMILY. I have been so excited to tell you!!!!!  So we received a quality referral from a member for a girl who worked at their family restaurant.  Then we contacted her on Thursday and taught her family as well.  How many children are there, oh you know, only TEN.  When we pray hard for a family to teach, Heavenly Father goes all out with his blessings!  Ten stinkin kids!  And I love every single one of them.  The parents are
so solid, they are super family oriented.  When we asked them and the kids questions about god, and blessings, and everything, they just kept talking about how much they love their family.  One child even said, "I am thankful that god gave me loving parents."  Ok adorable!!!
Two of the daughters came to church yesterday and we are so excited for them.  Oh and in our first lesson, 4 of them committed to baptism on July 12.  Gahhhh I am so happy for them.  I love them with my whole soul already.  Such a witness to me that God answers prayers and prepares people!!!!

Also, this week we worked so hard that I fell asleep early on my bed in my proselyting clothes not having done anything yet.  A small cold hit me again, but this week we were power houses!  Felt good.

So also another HUGE highlight.  Elder Craig C. Christensen of the Presidency of the quorum of the 70 came and visited our mission.  Was it awesome?  YES.  I just wanna be BFFs with all the general authorities.  If President Peterson became one, I wouldn't be surprised.  But for real.  I learned so much!!!  He taught us on prayer.  Simple right?  Nooooo.  The depth he went into was stupendous.  He focused on this scrip: Doctrine and Covenants 42:61. Then he talked about how we can receive revelation from our prayers.
Synopsis: we must create an environment for meaningful prayers.  Sing hymns, read scrips, then kneel somewhere where the spirit can be present and you can communicate with heaven.  He used examples from the scrips how prayer isn't easy, it is a wrestle with God.  It takes a lot of heart and desire to receive answers from him.  Our prayers and our prep should be a "personal devotional" and a very spiritual experience. He said 3 Nephi 19:24 is the recipe for prayer.  if you are not sure what to pray for, this will help.  He also said, if you're not getting the answer, change the thought and seek the feeling (stupor of thought).  And the answers don't always come when we are on our knees, we need to get up and act on our prayers.  Acting on what we pray for is critical.  And now, I pray that you and I can apply this and have better prayers!

We met this woman and she let us in her house and guess what happened, we had about one minute to bear testimony of the Book of Mormon while she plastered us with her beliefs.  It was an awful experience.

Sister Mann, my house mate, was throwing up for five days.  We took her to the hospital, but she is better now.  There are pics of me sleeping on her bed, they remind me of the old Disney Channel Original Movie, "The Color of Friendship" considering she is brown and I am white.  ahahah we are like BFFs.

So things are moving along just fine.  President and Sister Peterson head home soon and I am sad, lots of changes will be happening.  I love you all!!!  Keep the faith!

Sister Waldrom
Doctrine and Covenants 67:10

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